Pacific Audio Works has FE and LPEC certified electrical technicians for all your event power needs. We supply large-scale event power for festivals such as Rifflandia and Rock the Shores, including all vendors, overnight refrigeration monitoring, and generator supply/operations. Our inventory includes:
- Custom LEX 200A Distribution Panel, 3 phase Cam-Loc with passthrough
- Custom LEX 100A Distribution Panel, 3 phase Cam-Loc with passthrough
- Custom Motion Labs 100A rack distribution centre, 3 phase Cam-Loc with 400A bus
- Custom 200A distribution centre with dual 100A breakered outputs
- 50A range plug rack and panel distribution centres
- 30A L14-30 plug rack and panel distribution centres
- #2, 2/0 and 4/0 Cam-Loc cable
- #2, 2/0 and 4/0 Cam-Loc generator tails
- Ground cables and plates; bonding lugs
- Cam-Loc T’s and turnarounds
- Yellow Jacket cable covers with optional wheelchair segments
- U-ground, 20A, 30A and 50A cables and extensions
- Wide range of cable adapters and specialty connections